are you…

Ready for your home RISE to meet you when you enter the door? Ready to attract abundance, prosperity and peace?

follow my journey @jamilahlang

Do you spend up to 15 hours each weekend cleaning and doing chores and still feel overwhelmed and disorganized?

You want FREEDOM from this madness and the crazy, vicious cycle you’re in.

You long for a home that supports you and that is a RETREAT and not a place of clutter and shame.

If any of this resonates with you, I want to say—welcome home. I will holistically guide you and organize and declutter your home in a specific way that creates flow, remove stagnant energy and revitalize your space no matter what the condition or your budget. This is my life’s purpose. If you’re ready to form a home that is a vessel for peace and abundance then let’s get started.




Dream it.

“I know you said to wait until the end of the week but I couldn’t wait! So far I’ve found gift cards totaling $325 and I haven’t even started in the kitchen yet! Thanks again for your help and guidance, I feel so excited and invigorated.”

Build it.

“My daughter cried when she saw her closet. I was about to give up on the space entirely. You are a miracle worker. Just wanted to say thank you again.”

Grow it.

“You’re the first person I’m telling this to because I know it’s because of the work we did but I got 3 job interviews this week alone!!! This is after 4 months of nothing and then I suddenly I have 3 scheduled this week. Thank you for listening to me and helping me work out my stuff. It’s been life-changing! I’ll keep you posted on the interviews.”


about me


The Jamilah Lang I introduce you to now is not the same Jamilah Lang from a few years ago.  In 2017, I was unemployed, 50 pounds overweight and had accumulated nearly 80,000 dollars in credit card debt. I was in the midst of failed a business, I had a 3-year-old and a 9-month-old, a severely stressed out and overworked husband and my life and finances were falling apart.

‘How did I get here’ I wondered?  After all, I had done everything “right.”  I got the good grades, went to the right college, got the corporate job, married the cute guy, bought a house, had kids etc., etc., etc. yet my days were filled with deep anxiety, sadness, shame and hopelessness.

Call it the “Dark Night of the Soul” or a “Come to Jesus moment”—whatever it was, it happened to me.  God spoke to me—clearly and with authority by simply saying, “Take care of Home.”  This was the beginning of my spiritual awakening and a series of dramatic changes that began in my life.

Through what I now call my Room for God™ methodology, I was able to manifest my intentions at rapid speed, money began to freely flow to me, my relationship with my husband became stronger and my health revitalized and more vibrant.

I know it was God but it felt like magic.

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